Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Weight Loss – St. Louis Body Lift
For many people who’ve just undergone bariatric surgery, or lost weight through diet and exercise, their journey has really only just begun. A healthy diet coupled with moderate exercise will help to keep the weight loss off and the body toned, but what about all the extra skin? Almost all men and women who’ve undergone a significant weight loss will be left with sagging, lose skin upper arms, legs, buttocks or groin, abdominal sagging or hanging and deflated breasts which hang downwards. While the weight loss can be a great relief, the resulting leftover skin can dampen what should be a celebration of new found health and confidence.
While no amount of diet or exercise will get rid of the skin, there are surgical options. Cabbabe Plastic Surgery offer Lower Body Lift, Arm Lift, Medial Thigh Lift, Liposuction, Belt Lipectomy, Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Breast Lift and Face Lift.
Schedule a consult today to discuss your options.