Archive for May, 2015
Arm Lift St. Louis
Published on May 18, 2015 by Cabbabe Plastic Surgery
Many women, and some men, struggling with the appearance of their upper arms as they get older. They may have difficulty finding clothes that fit comfortably or feel self-conscious in public due to excess, sagging skin and fat in the upper arm. Through Arm Lift Dr. Samer Cabbabe has helped many people achieve leaner, smoother, […]
St. Louis Rhinoplasty
Published on May 6, 2015 by Cabbabe Plastic Surgery
Men and women who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose may seek out Rhinoplasty to achieve the aesthetic changes they desire. We aren’t all born with the nose that we would have chosen for our selves, if we’d had a choice. Some people feel their nose is too large, or are unhappy with […]